My Studio

My professional studio was built with voice over and audio production in mind. Equipped with pro microphones, processing gear as well as digital plugins, but I don't over process my audio. The sound treatment of the recording space is far more important than what plugins you use, and I think the "less is more" approach is best when it comes to voice over recording.

I will deliver clean, clear sounding audio files in any format you need and free of room reflections and artifacts from over processing.

And I hope my ears have something to do with it, too. :-)

-Whisper Room Vocal Booth.

-Sennheiser MKH416 Shotgun mic.

-Neumann TLM 103 cardioid mic.

-Universal Audio Interface.

-Audient ID interface.

-Manley Vox Box Channel Strip (Plugin).

-Izotope RX-8 audio repair suite.

-Waves plugins.

-Logic Pro X


-JBL Monitors.